Israel VISA


Maharashtra,  Goa, Tamil Nadu,  Kerala,  Karnataka,  Gujarat  -  Statewise area of jurisdiction and in additional  territories of  Andaman and Nicobar  Island, Pondicherry and  Diu  and  Daman

Business Visa

Passport + all old passports

·         1 Form signed by pax,

·         1 consent form signed by pax

·         1 checklist signed by pax

·         2 Photos (5.5 cm x 5.5 cm white background 70 % face size)

.     Each applicant mobile No. and email id is mandatory

·         Covering letter with passport no , designation of the pax and address to Consulate General of Israel, Mumbai, (mentioning which company is bearing expenses) (Name and designation of the applicant and also of the signatory (of managerial or executive level) with signature certifying that you will be visiting the Israeli company concerned , An outline of the applicant’s itinerary, purpose of visit names and addresses of the companies he/she intends to visit, Days of the intended stay,  All the expenses will be borne by company should be mention in letter)

·         Return Ticket,

·         A proper Invitation letter in Hebrew (Israel’s official language) on the letter head of inviter mentioning name and passport no of invitee, Duration and purpose of visit, Days of intended stay and dates of visit, with guarantee “passenger will be come back to India before expire the visa” to be faxed directly to the Embassy and copy to us, Approval copy from Ministry of Interior in Israel. (address to Consulate General of Israel, Mumbai)

·         3 month latest original bank statement with minimum balance of Rs 30000 (name of the applicant should be certified (bank seal is must) by bank in the statement) statement downloaded from the internet will not be accepted.

·         Hotel confirmation in Hebrew If invite contain the accommodation details then this is not required )

·         Salary slips last 3 months with company’s seal

·         Travel Insurance

Tourist Visa

    Passport + all old passports
    2 Form signed by pax, (For minor both parents signature and child sign/thump as per passport required)
    1 consent form signed by pax (For minor both parents signature and child sign/thump as per passport required)
    1 checklist signed by pax (For minor both parents signature and child sign/thump as per passport required)

        2 Photos (5.5 cm x 5.5 cm white background 70 % face size)

    Each applicant mobile No. and email id is mandatory

    Covering letter address to Consulate General of Israel, Mumbai,
    Return Ticket,
    Approval copy from Ministry of Interior in Israel, or Invitation if any.
    Last 3 yrs Income tax
    3 month latest original bank statement with minimum balance of Rs 20000 (name of the applicant should be certified (bank seal is must) by bank in the statement) statement downloaded from the internet will not be accepted.
    Hotel confirmation in Hebrew (Israel’s official language) directly  fax to the consulate and copy to us
    Travel Insurance
    Authority Letter from pax on business letterhead authorizing our agency, and staff name for this please contact us.

Time Taken:- 7 days

Fees :-

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